The Supply Chain Climate Stack

GoodOps’ “Transforming Supply Chains with Cleantech and Innovation” panel during SF Climate Week explored the strategic imperative for adopting the “Supply Chain Climate Stack” in enterprise operations. Companies powered by these technologies will be the most successful in building long term resilience, improving risk mitigation, increasing productivity, and reducing costs in an uncertain future. Our CEO & Founder panel from Mango Materials, Skyven Technologies, Artyc, and GlacierGrid illustrate the future we need to build:

SOURCING | Mango Materials | Molly Morse, CEO & Founder
Mango Materials transforms methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas, into biodegradable polymers. By disrupting the conventional plastic supply chain, Mango Materials not only mitigates environmental harm but also fosters resilience by diversifying feedstock sources. Their innovative approach underscores the importance of sustainable sourcing in building a robust supply chain foundation.

MANUFACTURING | Skyven Technologies | Arun Gupta, CEO & Founder
Skyven Technologies, who just received $145M from the DOE, contributes to another layer of the Supply Chain Climate Stack by offering solar-powered solutions for industrial heating. By harnessing renewable energy, Skyven reduces reliance on fossil fuels, enhancing manufacturing sustainability and resilience. Their integration into the supply chain climate stack demonstrates how manufacturing can align with environmental goals to mitigate climate risks.

LOGISTICS | Artyc | Hannah Sieber, CEO & Co-Founder
Artyc plays a pivotal role in the Supply Chain Climate Stack by optimizing cold chain logistics with AI-driven temperature monitoring and control. By minimizing temperature excursions and food waste, Artyc enhances supply chain resilience while mitigating climate-related risks. Their solution underscores the importance of climate-conscious logistics in safeguarding perishable goods and ensuring supply chain continuity.

SITE OPERATIONS | GlacierGrid | Manik Suri, CEO & Founder
GlacierGrid ascends the top layer of the Supply Chain Climate Stack by optimizing data center cooling with thermal energy storage technology. By reducing energy consumption and enhancing resilience to climate events, GlacierGrid strengthens the sustainability of site operations. Their contribution highlights the critical role of sustainable infrastructure in building climate-resilient supply chains.

The Supply Chain Climate Stack – A Business Imperative
As companies confront the uncertainties of a changing climate, embracing the Supply Chain Climate Stack is imperative for building resilience and risk mitigation. Startups like Mango Materials, Skyven Technologies, Artyc, and GlacierGrid exemplify the integration of sustainability into each layer of the supply chain. By adopting innovative solutions and collaborating across industries, businesses can navigate climate challenges while driving environmental progress. As we ascend the Supply Chain Climate Stack, let us forge a path towards a future where sustainability and resilience are synonymous with business success.

Thank you Dasha Shunina, Founder @ Women Tech Meetup for moderating & Werqwise for hosting us!

Full Panel:

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Buyer Fireside Chat: Sustainable Sourcing

The advantages of building sustainability in your supply chain

Increasing awareness worldwide of the impact of climate change and preserving the environment has thrust sustainability to the forefront. More and more companies are now implementing sustainable practices and innovation into their business. In this Buyer Fireside Chat, learn everything you need to know about sustainable sourcing – from the challenges and opportunities to the advantages of building sustainability in your supply chain and what lies ahead.

The panel

Pia Pinkawa

An independent communications and marketing professional and sustainable supply chain expert, Pia works with international organizations and service providers to engage procurement, supply chains and people to strive for and implement a sustainable way of making business.

Pia is part of the steering committee team of the Sustainable Procurement Pledge (SPP), a global initiative and growing procurement community of already more than 5,000 ambassadors.


Aaron Leonard

Sustainability has always been a passion for Aaron, one that he now combines with his years of experience and expertise to drive positive outcomes in corporations’ sustainability journeys. Aaron has more than 20 years of experience in offering innovative, business-changing digital and sustainability solutions to large multinational corporations.

Previously, he was Sales Director and co-founder of the successful startup Simple iD, a leading IT solution and consulting company helping to modernize companies’ collaboration and communication systems across the APAC region and beyond.


Divya Demato

Divya is the CEO and co-founder of GoodOps – a supply chain and sustainability consultancy that partners with high-growth startups and global enterprises to architect, accelerate and scale responsible operations.

Divya is also an advisor to Rethink Food VC and Radiant Ventures, is chairwoman emeritus for Nexus Global, and a mentor for Unreasonable Group. In 2021, she was named one of the Top 100 Women in Supply Chain by Supply Chain Digital.

Webinar: FASHINNOVATION Worldwide Talks

FASHINNOVATION’s Worldwide Talks 2020 panel on Supply Chain and Circular Economy explores the role of equal justice, standardizing sustainability metrics, power of being an early adopter of ESG and future trends like plant-based materials.


Watch the full panel here:

Why A Sustainable Supply Chain?

The supply chain revolution is here and companies must transform to become socially and environmentally responsible.

Brands face increased pressure from purpose-driven customers, disruptive competitors, concerned shareholders and distressed suppliers. In order to survive – be it a Fortune 500 or a high-growth e-commerce startup – companies must undergo a transformation in how they source, produce and deliver their products and services.

Supply chain sustainability is the backbone and competitive advantage of the world’s most successful companies.

Companies can no longer rely on incremental impact, legacy systems and traditional corporate responsibility. Sustainability with integrity is hard; it requires a clear vision for the future, an understanding of complex ecosystems, and the agile deployment of interconnected strategies, systems and capabilities.

GoodOps makes transformation easy by designing innovative strategies to implement custom sustainability frameworks.

We are the compass for our clients, guiding them to stay one step ahead during a time of accelerating change. We realign and digitally connect supply chain networks across brand values, embedding new ways of thinking and collaborating from the c-suite to the frontline across partners. In parallel, we explore and leverage advanced technologies to explore the best way to make the desired impact on the resources and workers in the supply chain. We empower companies to become strong stewards of our planet and people so they can feel confident sharing an authentic journey with their customers.

Companies that transform into sustainable supply chains will improve profit, streamline operations and mitigate risk.

Customers choose purpose-driven brands over competitors, the most talented employees want to work for them and investors seek their limited risk profiles. End-to-end visibility, from raw material to finished goods, drives accountability and agility, helping brands become true partners in their supply network. Savings and valuable growth opportunities are realized across the extended value chain. And higher quality, socially responsible products differentiate their offering and justify premium pricing.

The key to success is properly prioritizing, organizing and resourcing complex sustainability initiatives.

All companies know they must implement social and environmental initiatives, but many times, this requires sourcing from new suppliers, adopting alternative materials and restructuring supplier contracts; the hard part is knowing where to start and how to execute. In every engagement, we design custom, multi-disciplinary teams augmented by networks of global experts with the necessary experience, skills and pragmatism to ensure results. Applying universal principles, market specific nuance and an agile approach, we scale what works.

We believe transforming supply chains is the fastest way to positively impact the world.

The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals is a powerful blueprint for brands. Goal #5: Gender Equality, #8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, #10: Reduced Inequalities, #12: Responsible Consumption and Production, #14: Life Below Water, #15: Life on Land and #17: Partnerships for the Goals are just some of the goals brands can begin to focus on today. By simplifying complex sustainability initiatives, GoodOps helps companies achieve the impact they want to have in the world in a meaningful way.

View our services to see how GoodOps helps brands and startups build a competitive advantage through supply chain sustainability. Or send us an email at to get started today.

Advanced Technologies

Supply chain networks are radically transforming due to the increased application of advanced technologies. In a rapidly changing business terrain, many companies still struggle to properly apply foundational technologies such as mobile, cloud and analytics. Meanwhile, industry leaders are building a competitive advantage by strategically exploring, deploying and scaling the operating tools and platforms of the future.

Companies can no longer wait to adopt proven innovations. Increasingly demanding customers and an interconnected set of exponential technologies are colliding to accelerate the pace, scope and expectations of supply chain transformation. Those who fail to proactively innovate their supply chain using advanced technologies will quickly be displaced and find it very difficult to recover.

Advanced technologies will augment decision making, streamline operations and automate processes across entire supply networks. All companies must digitize and connect their supply chain to improve fulfillment, drive efficiency and become more flexible. However, the current wave of advanced technologies will require and unlock entirely new operating models. Below is a core list of 7 advanced technologies that companies must master:

  1. Artificial Intelligence – With AI, companies can analyze massive data sets to identify patterns or anomalies, automate processes or operational areas, take predictive actions, generate actionable insights and rapidly evolve solutions based on real-time, network wide information. This will unlock human creativity and transform decision making.
  2. Augmented & Virtual Reality – With AR & VR, companies can enhance a wide range of activities such as warehouse picking and packing, delivery loading and unloading, employee training and warehouse/container layouts. More engaging, immersive  experiences will drive higher acquisition and retention of customers and employees.
  3. Blockchain – With blockchain, companies will realize unprecedented visibility and trust, especially in complex global supply chains. This will reduce information and financial friction, optimize inventory levels and improve product quality. Pairing a shared database with smart contracts will drive widespread activity automation across supply networks.
  4. Internet of Things (IoT) – With IoT, companies will have real-time tracking to the pallet, case or package level, and an explosion of data from devices and sensors across machines, vehicles and infrastructure. Savvy companies will maximize asset utilization, transform operating models, better understand customers and enhance service levels.
  5. Autonomous Vehicles – With AVs, companies will realize hyper-efficient and dynamic inbound/last-mile transportation plus warehousing and large-scale yard/lot operations. They will enhance sustainability, avoid accidents and optimize time-in-transit. Reducing or eliminating the drive role will also radically reduce operating costs.
  6. Drones – With drones, companies will perform automated inventory counts on a more regular and cost-effective basis, better track assets in the yard, and open new delivery options for hard to reach or congested locations such as cargo ships and rural communities. As weight limits rise to a metric ton or more, drones will reshape logistics.
  7. Robots – With robots, companies will reduce labor costs, task time and error rates for routine activities. Advanced companies will automate entire warehouses and pair them with artificial intelligence to unlock mass customization. This will radically alter the labor force, including more roles for women and a focus on technology skills development.

Companies that wish to lead in the future must take immediate action and strategically explore deployment of advanced technologies. First, they should analyze their industry and extended supply chain to identify the most relevant and disruptive technologies. Next, they should collaborate with their partners and customers to create an integrated technology development roadmap for the entire supply network. With a clear understanding of what they need to accomplish, they can then build the necessary capabilities and teams to ensure success.

View our services to see how GoodOps can help you build a competitive advantage by integrating advanced technologies across your supply chain network. Or send us an email at to get started today.

Case Study

Leading the autonomous trucks market analysis, strategy development and pilot tests for a global distribution company.


One of the largest distribution companies in the world needed to understand how they can leverage the coming wave of autonomous trucks and build a competitive advantage.


  • Partnered with the CEO, COO and Head of Innovation to develop their framework for adoption of autonomous trucks, including market analysis, strategy development, solution design and pilot testing.
  • Analyzed industry and customer ecosystems to generate a custom white paper. Content included high-potential applications, adoption timelines, relevant case studies, future KPIs, potential partners, competitive threats and market specific considerations across their global supply network.
  • Curated a week long experience for our client and their customer at an industry leading conference, including a featured speaking slot. Also brokered high-end meetings, collaborative working sessions and an intimate high-end dinner that secured strategic relationships with technology providers, elected officials, government agencies, industry associations and venture capitalists.
  • Designed and managed a Level 4 “driverless” autonomous trucks pilot test with a leading technology provider, including partner selection, agreement negotiation, test plan design and pilot management.
  • Brokered a Level 1 Driver Assistive Truck Platooning (DATP) test with a leading technology provider, including partner selection, route selection and test plan design.
  • Generated custom technology and deployment reports that guided the autonomous trucks strategy for our client as well as their customers, which include some of the largest brands in the world.


Client has positioned themselves as a trusted innovation partner for their customers, leading integration of autonomous trucks across the connected, smart and automated supply chain networks of the future.  

View our services to see how GoodOps can help you build a competitive advantage by harnessing disruptive innovations such as autonomous trucks. Or send us an email at to get started today.

Airbus’ New Supply Chain

Airbus has hired Bellevue-based Icertis to digitally transform their supply chain. Airbus’ new supply chain will be focused on source-to-contract solutions across its various divisions. With supply chain transformation taking over, Airbus becomes the latest example of how important embracing this change is for success. Airbus currently works with over 12,000 suppliers, so correctly managing their supply chain could prove widely cost effective and efficient. The aerospace manufacturer specifically chose Icertis for it’s rapid integration of digital supply chains transformation to companies globally. Certainly Airbus is looking for safer, more cost efficient and traceable solutions to their business, so this transformation was simply a matter of “when” rather than “how.” The company will have stronger agility through digitization, allowing for stronger relationships with commercialization. Will Icertis emerge as a leading digital supply chain transformer for companies globally? What type of success will Airbus see with a new, highly digitalized system?

Want to learn more?

Merck Implementing AI

German pharmaceuticals firm Merck KGaA’s health-care division is aiming to implement a new AI augmentation process. Merck plans to implement the new process after deciding to switch to an automated supply chain system. The new system will incorporate AI and predictive analytics throughout Merck’s entire supply chain in 2019. Incorporating this type of technology is known to provide a competitive advantage in the industry. Merck already is using forms of AI to show trends, dips, and spikes across 100 products in a pilot program. In 2021, so-called AI augmentation will generate $2.9 trillion in business value and recover 6.2 billion hours of worker productivity, according to forecasts from Gartner Inc. Since the beginning of their implementation, Merck’s CIO, Alessandro de Luca, has seen nothing but positive effects. Their success had led to them to push the pendulum to a fully automated supply chain system across their 5,000 products. Is AI going to be a key element for growth in any industry in the future? Where are there areas where this technology can’t be beneficial to industries of the future?

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Walmart’s Blockchain Patent

Walmart has recently developed a new and technically advanced blockchain system. The retail behemoth has recently applied to the U.S Patents and Trademarks office for the new system. Walmart stated it will “provide a technology for running “in-field authenticating of autonomous electronic devices.” Most importantly, it will enable secure deliveries for a more efficient supply chain. Even more, the patent aims to have two separate autonomous electronic devices verify shipping and delivery methods without human assistance. Walmart has even recently deployed a blockchain “leafy greens” tracker to ensure safety in produce, and reduce E. Coli outbreaks. The entire project will change the way the retail giant ships and delivers packages globally. Therefore, Walmart’s blockchain project will cut spending and time needed to check delivery across all supply chain mediums using. Finally, Walmart has titled the patent “Systems, Devices, and Methods for In-Field Authenticating of Autonomous Robots.” Will companies fail long-term if they refuse to convert to AI supported supply chains, or is it simply an advantage?

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A Digital Future

It’s no doubt we live in a digital society. However, the supply chain industry has remained behind the times for many years, but end-to-end digitization is accelerating. Recently, CB Insights detailed over 125 startups that are leading the charge in revolutionizing the way supply chains operate. Categories of startups include e-commerce logistics, warehousing, food, fleet management, and more. Collectively, these companies are providing enhanced end-to-end visibility, streamlining operations, digitizing previously analog activities, ensuring food quality & safety, reducing costs and mitigating risk. The rise of born-digital competition has followed a spike in supply chain venture funding and industry incumbents are taking notice. In response, they have significantly increased their investments and acquisitions. What do you see? Will born-digital supply chain startups take over the industry? Finally, will the rise in incumbent digitization efforts prevent a leadership revolution to a digital future?

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