United Nations SDGs

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an interconnected set of 17 goals and 169 targets that industry leaders are using to drive sustainability efforts. The SDGs seek to protect the planet and improve the lives of every human by 2030. They are a detailed and easy to adopt framework that companies such as Unilever, TOMs and GlaxoSmithKline use to achieve their own strategic priorities while simultaneously addressing more stringent regulations, global pacts and consumer activism. These companies are seeing higher returns on investment, faster brand growth and long-term shareholder value. And the wider economic benefit is potentially massive, as the Business & Sustainable Development Commission projects that embracing the SDGs could generate US $12 trillion of new business value a year – equivalent to 10% of the global GDP forecast by 2030.

Developing a holistic supply chain sustainability strategy using the United Nations SDGs will inspire, attract and retain the customer and employee of the future. Sustainability is no longer a niche business consideration. Studies show that people increasingly expect companies to address social and environmental issues in a meaningful, measurable and transparent way. In a world where people are purchasing goods and making career choices based on this expectation, companies must properly address the impact of their daily operations. This requires moving beyond siloed corporate social responsibility departments and ad hoc social marketing programs. The SDGs are one of the most effective and comprehensive frameworks that can help companies meet rising expectations while improving business performance.

The 17 SDGs are:

  1. No Poverty
  2. Zero Hunger
  3. Good Health and Well-Being
  4. Quality Education
  5. Gender Inequality
  6. Clean Water and Sanitation
  7. Affordable and Clean Energy
  8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
  9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  10. Reduced Inequalities
  11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
  12. Responsible Consumption and Production
  13. Climate Action
  14. Life Below Water
  15. Life On Land
  16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  17. Partnerships for The Goals

Companies that wish to lead in the future should take immediate and strategic action to integrate the SDGs across their supply chain networks. By proactively implementing the SDGs across the supply chain – from how they source raw materials to how they deliver finished products to customers – companies can spark customer loyalty, improve productivity, mitigate risk and drive business growth. Most importantly, they can establish a competitive advantage before sustainability becomes a common and core part of every business.

View our services to see how GoodOps can help you build a sustainable competitive advantage by aligning your supply chain network with the UN SDGs. Or send us an email at info@goodops.co to get started today.